Thursday, May 15, 2008

Confessions of a Garage Sale Junkie

O.K. I am one of those fanatical garage sale people. I schedule my Thursday's around what Subdivision in the area is having their sale. But alas, today I sit manning my own garage sale while others are basking in Subdivision Garage sale heaven.

I have on many occasions called friends when I have found something I think that they can't live without and had to leave messages such as, "Where are you, don't you know it's Thursday and I am out Garage saleing. I need to know if you want this item that I know you can't live without because it's so cheap. CALL Soon before I move on to the next. " I have also been known to speed back to one I have already checked off my list to get that something that I or someone else just can't live without.

I find it intriguing and somewhat amusing to see all the different types of things sold at sales. Some are brand new, still in the box; others are gently worn and still others really should get acquainted with the garbage pail. For me the fun is in the searching for that one thing that trumps all previous finds. I now have a list of items that friends are searching for at garage sales. I also have friends cell numbers in my contact list, just in case I find that item they can't live without.

So think of me today, as your out looking at all the wonderful finds out there in Garage Sale land!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Refurbished Mother's Day

One of the things I have always loved is old things, generally antiques. I found this awful looking vanity that needed some tender loving care. For Mother's day, Andy and the girls are refinishing the vanity. It is not quite done, but close. I love when something can be reused and refurbished to live along. It is so like how God works. The world used and abuses us, casts us aside for newer better things and sells us cheaply. God bought us with a price, and then not only refurbishes us; but renews us and rebuilds us. God gives us a new purpose.

I can't wait to see how it turns out. I also can't wait to see how God will renew and refurbish those around me for His purpose.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Celebrating 20 year in Ministry

A week ago, the church Andy and I minister at surprised us with a celebration of our 20th anniversary at Macomb Christian Church. The surprise part didn't quite work, due to some funny circumstances, but what a wonderful evening. It's hard to believe we have been here at the same church for 20 years now. We have met alot of wonderful, God-fearing people along the way. Some who are with Jesus now and others who have moved on to minister at other places. This is our family. Our hearts are forever knit with the body of believers that call Macomb Christian Church their home. The evening was such a testiment to our two girls about the power of changed lives through faithfully being obedient to God's calling and purpose.

There have been some great times and some not so wonderful times. God has been faithful and continues to be faithful. I am so every greatful and thankful for the blessed members of our family at Macomb Christian Church.